Below are the minutes of the 2007 District Council AGM.
Please pass comments and amendments to the chairman.
CTT London South District Council AGM.
Minutes of Meeting
Date: 6th October 2007
Time 14:25 hours
Apologies: Rod Starmer, Paul Scaplehorn, Eric Clarke, Linda Good, Keith Butler.
Amended as below.
Section 8: “Other competent business
a) The Sussex Cyclists’ Association wishes to promote its annual Hill Climb in 2007 as both an Open Event and an Association “Come and Try It” Event on the same day and on the same course
In a letter from Chris Watts (Addiscombe CC) this was refuted, there is no such local reg. Mike Hayler (Club Events Sec) suggested that this was just a policy. The meeting felt that there was no objection to a promoter running a club and open event on the same course and day providing that it was the same promoter.
The matter was deferred to ordinary committee meetings for decisions on an event-by-event basis.”
Clarification was required on the underscored line, in that Chris Watts had submitted a letter to that meeting that pointed out that the proposal was invalid because there was no such local regulation. This was in fact a policy adopted by the District Committee at the behest of the District Council.
Then agreed without dissent
2 MATTERS ARISING not covered elsewhere
None other than above
Andy Avis (chair) read through the district committee report and there was no comments other than the spelling of “Godalming”
Mick Kilby presented and proposed the treasurers report on behalf of Linda Good. He pointed out that, though events were down in number, levy returns were up. Club events riders numbers were up but levies were difficult to get in and reminded delegates that Club event levies must be returned in good time and highlighted that club numbers vary due to late payments of the dues.
Various other savings have been made by using home computers and less outside printing.
Our income is derived from National and is paid for from levies and dues. This is why the levies need to be paid on time.
There being no objections the accounts were accepted.
District Chair: Andy Avis (Kingston Phoenix RC)
prop Brian Dalton seconded Tony Alston carried un.
District Secretary: Richard Blackmore (East Grinstead CC)
prop Mick Kilby sec Chris Watts carried un
Assistant Secretary (Open Events): Anthony (Tony) Alston (34 Nomads)
prop John Double Sec Mike Hayler, carried un
Assistant Secretary (Club Events): Michael (Mike) Hayler (Brighton Mitre)
prop Chris Watts sec Mike Penfold carried un
Assistant Secretary (Courses and Risk Assessment): Charles Robson (Eastbourne Rovers)
prop SB sec TA carried un
Assistant Secretary (Traffic Counts): Steve Dennis (East Grinstead CC)
prop Su Balcombe sec Mike Hayler carried un
Assistant Secretary (District Handbook): Su Balcombe (Brighton Excelsior)
prop Mike Kilby sec Mark Penfold carried un
District Treasurer: Linda Good (Addiscombe CC)
prop Colin McDermott Sec Chris Watts carried un
Committee members (voted on after item 7)
Keith Coffey (Bec CC) prop John Double second Mike Hayler
Keith Wilkinson (East Surrey RC) prop Tony Alston sec Mick Kilby
Stuart Forbes (Horsham Cycling) prop Mike Cross sec Trevor Keenan
Mark Penfold (Crawley Wheelers) prop John Double sec Tony Alston
Bob Stapley (Epsom CC) prop Tony Alston Mark Penfold
John Double (Crawley Wheelers) prop Mark Penfold sec Keith Coffey
Mike Kilby (Lewes Wanders) prop Mike Hayler sec Su Balcombe
Mike Cross (Horsham Cycling) prop John Double sec Steve Dennis
Lisa Colombo (Kingston Phoenix RC) prop Jackie Townsend sec Su Balcombe
Brian Dalton (Norwood Paragon) prop Mike Hayler sec John Double
Voted en bloc no opposition
District delegates for the National Council Meeting:
Andy Avis, Brian Dalton, Linda Good, Tony Alston,
all prop by Mike Hayler sec John Double voted en bloc no objections
Keith Wilkinson & Mike Kilby
prop John Double sec Tony Alston
Colin McDermott (Festival Road Club)
prop Trevor Keenan sec John Double
Jen Mitchell (Kingston Phoenix Road Club)
prop Lisa Colombo sec John Double
Tony Alston presented the proposed programme for 2008 as tabled and passed to delegates, subject to any late amendments.
There was a short discussion about the programme and a few final amendments were made. The programme will be sent to National HQ
Prop Mike Kilby Sec Brian Dalton. Carried with no opposition
7 Other Competent Business
Proposals to amend rules and regulations in CTT handbook.
a) By The outgoing District Committee
Regulation 15. Protective Helmets (page 97)
Delete existing wording "under the age of 18 years and/or Juniors".
This will extend the requirement to wear a helmet to include all competitors.
This matter has been aired before, and lost, mainly, we believe, due to the, comparative, lack of protective aero style helmets. This is now not the case and the benefits outweigh the disbenefits.
The floor was opened to debate. (some comments missed)
Mike Kilby ‘that not many riders now compete with out a helmet and at two events 100% of riders wore helmets’
Keith Coffey ‘ that there is no legal requirement to wear a helmet so this should be left to riders choice & that it would seem inappropriate for Hill Climbs’
Lisa Colombo “what benefit will helmets give to riders, will it stop riders being hit by cars or having objects thrown a them.”
Mick Burgess ‘who is going to check that helmets meet the standard’
The chairman pointed out that the regulation says that helmets should comply with standards, and that the situation regarding enforcement is the same as any rule in that effectively it will be the timekeeper who be enforcing the rule (by not giving a non conforming rider a time).
There were various comments that this was not a proper regulation and that there was no point to it being there.
The Chairman then read out two pieces of correspondence will from Paul Scaplehorn that outlined his opposition to the helmet proposal.
And from Keith Butler (Surrey League) who said’ that this stems from UCI/BC rules for roadracing. CTT events cover distances much further than BC events such as 12hr and 24hr and that forcing riders to wear helmets especially in hot conditions for any length of time is unreasonable.’
There being no further discussion the proposal was put to the meeting
Prop Brian Dalton sec Su Balcombe
For 4 against 24 against 3 abstaining
The motion fails
b) By the outgoing District Committee.
Regulation 14. Competitor's Machine (page 96-97)
Add new paragraph,
“A red flashing LED light must be shown to the rear by all competitors in all events."
Research shows that drivers Apick up@ a flashing LED even during broad daylight and the use of such a light can reduce the chance of accidents.
The floor was opened to debate.
Su Balcombe ‘ that events held in evenings and/or under trees, that she has found that even with a fluorescent number that the rider can blend into the background, but a flashing red light is still visible.’
John Double ‘that flashing lights stand out where there is rain and spray. They are visible even on bright days.’
Keith Coffey ‘that people should be given the choice. He has a Red light that he can affix to his machine if he feels that the visibility is poor.’
Tony Alston ‘that when this was raised at the last National Council meeting only two districts voted in favour’
The chair read further correspondence from Keith Butler of Surrey League’ what happens if the light fails to work during the event? Also are these effective in bright sunlight? If visibility of riders is a problem then perhaps drivers should be made aware with better signage at the roadside or shorter start intervals’
Mark Penfold ‘that rules are there to make the decision for the rider so as to cover all situations’
Ken Phillips of the Morden CRC proposed a change to proposal to add the words “that it is recommended that”. The chair said that this was the same proposal that had been presented in previous years and that the amendment was incompetent as it changed the principle away from compulsion.
Proposed by Brian Dalton on behalf the District Committee seconded by Mark Penfold.
For 4, against 24 abs 1 prop failed
John Double asked about the increase in the Club Event Levies.
The Chairman explained that the National executive had taken this action as competitors in open events are underwriting the extra numbers of competitors in club events and levy charges should be made the same over some years.
24th November National Agenda Meeting