Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kingston Wheelers Sporting 14

I would be most grateful if you could post/publicise in your clubs our annual time trial (17th Edition).

With the CTT website still showing last year and the handbook not out we early season promoters are a bit lost.

The Kingston Wheelers website will contain more information:

Essential details are here:

Poster and map of the course attached.

Sunday 14th February 2010 8.30 a.m.

HQ: 1st Ripley Scout Group Hall, Rose Lane, Ripley

Entries (£7 payable to Kingston Wheelers CC) should go to organiser

Peter Anderson
28 Wolsey Road, Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1QW

For further details call Peter on 0208 979 6435 or check out:

Promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under their Rules and Regulations

Many Thanks
Nicola Wadham
Kingston Wheelers CC

Monday, January 04, 2010

Next Committee Meeting

The next District Committee Meeting will be held on January 12th 2010 at the usual venue and time.


Brighton Excel Early Season 11's

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year

Brighton Excelsior would like to invite EVERYONE to Washington Village Hall of our annual Early Season Elevenses Event

On 24th Jan 10 from 10.30am till 12.30pm

There will be bacon butties, rolls and home made cakes with tea and coffee by the bucket load = 'so come one come all'

Why not make it your 'Pit Stop' for your Sunday Club Run or Training Ride, you could have a cuppa before starting the homeward journey with that one final push for the next lamp-post!

Please can everyone tell at least 3 other cyclists (outside the club as well as club mates) so that the word gets around to everyone we know

If you would like to bring anything to sell there will be a table set out for cycling bric-a brac make sure you label all your items so people know who and what to pay, as I will not be monitoring this table at all during the morning

I will also try and do a Quiz, as I know that you all LOVE my quizzes!!!!!

All this excitement PLUS the CTT District's Yellow Handbook will be on sale for the bargain price of £2, what more can anyone ask of a Sunday morning in January?

We hope to see you on the day

No matter what the weather I'll try and be in the hall with the kettle on:-)

Su B