Saturday, December 14, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

2013 DGM


Notice is hereby given of the

To be held on Saturday 23rd November 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

At St. Paul’s Methodist Church Hall, Woodfield Road, Northgate, Crawley.
N.B. This is the same venue as for the District Annual General Meeting.

In early November, as General Secretary of an affiliated Club, or Association, you will receive from the National Executive three copies of the Annual Report and the Agenda for the National Council Meeting to be held on Sunday 1st December. You are asked to distribute copies to your delegates and the Club, Association or its Committee should consider the items contained therein. These could affect the future of your sport. Your delegates are then requested to attend the District meeting on 23rd November to instruct our 4 elected National Councillors on how they should vote on each item.

Clubs that have not yet renewed their subscription to the CTT (due October 1st) should forward their affiliation fees to the District Treasurer, Michael Cross along with the 2014 affiliation form.

Richard Blackmore, Hon. General Secretary

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2013 District AGM Notice


Notice is hereby given of the

to be held on
Saturday 5th October 2013 at 2.00p.m.
at St. Paul’s Methodist Church Rooms, Woodfield Road,
Northgate, Crawley, West Sussex

(ample parking for both cycles and vehicles. Directions to venue will be circulated with the Agenda).

 Items for the Agenda must be forwarded to the District Secretary by 16th September. If you want to change anything about the way your sport is run, then this is your opportunity. All items submitted will be discussed at the AGM and if accepted by the delegates, these are then forwarded for consideration by all Districts at the National Council Meeting on Sunday 1st December 2013. Please come along on 5th October to elect your officials and delegates to the National Council, let them have your views and to show support to your District.

There are currently some 75 clubs, trade teams and associations affiliated through the London South District. The quorum for the AGM is one third representation.

There are great pressures on all those who use the public highways, so if you want our sport to continue please ensure you send 2 delegates to the AGM.

Richard Blackmore
District Secretary
e-mail :-


Friday, February 22, 2013

Kingston Wheelers Sporting 14 - event cancelled

From the timekeeper:

"Kingston Wheelers event abandoned.

Just received email from Nicola Wadham

New road works today have closed Ripley Lane and the course is impassable.

Peter reviewed the alternative course but there are also new road works with traffic lights on the Effingham section.

We are very sad - after last year and with a record field."

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Timekeeping Course

Through London South District CTT, Mike Kilby (Lewes Wanderers) and Su Balcombe (Brighton Excel) are running a New Time Keepers course again this year.
It’s being held on 5th March and the venue is at St. Paul’s Methodist Church Hall, Woodfield Road, Northgate, Crawley.
The hall will be open at 7:15pm  for a 7:30pm start.
Anyone welcome but can you let us know if you would like to attend so that we have an idea on numbers.
If you have access to your club stopwatches,  please can you bring them with you so that you can get used to using them, although I do have a few spare ones for you to borrow on the night.
We look forward to seeing you on the  5th


Sunday, February 10, 2013

SCCU Sporting 21 mile TT

Dear Competitor,

The Southern Counties CU invite you to stretch your legs and open your lungs on

Sunday 24th March 2013 in the ever popular SCCU Sporting 21 mile TT

which will be held on the truly spectacular and breath taking GS334 course starting and finishing at Bletchingly. This event is also a counting event for Spoco SE. The vets A/S will be calculated using the CTT target times

This event a firm favourite with riders and for many years was organised by Don Glover on the behalf of the Croydon and District Cycling Association and latterly the SCCU. Don had intended to promote the event this year but circumstances sadly have dictated otherwise. No doubt many of you will have, in the past, ridden in events where you were either counted down with the parting quip of “do a good one” or more importantly, timed in by Don.

Don was not a great one for memorials so this year’s event is by way of a tribute to a very generous and enthusiastic supporter of all things cycling.

Do come and make this event one to be remembered and please spread the word far and wide so we will have a field Don would have been proud of. If a little extra incentive should be needed it is expected there will be a generous prize fund.

Entries by way of internet or by post to:- Antony Alston

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brighton Excelsior CC's Early Season 11’s - CANCELLED

Hi Everyone

Brighton Excelsior Cycling Club have taken the very sad decision to CANCEL our Early Season 11’s event due to have been held at Washington Village Hall tomorrow, Sunday 20 January.

In view of the road conditions and anticipated further snowfall, we have concluded that the risk to safety of riders and other road users is to be avoided.

The Club apologises for any inconvenience caused and we hope to see some of you at our evening club events and Open events throughout the year.

Please can you circulate this update immediately to anyone who you have told about tomorrow and think may have intended to join us for what has always been an enjoyable social event to avoid them making the unnecessary and dangerous journey to Washington Village Hall in the morning.

Don’t forget I would still like to know if anyone has broken a course record during 2012 for the records.

Thank you and see you on the line.

Su B
