Monday, September 04, 2006

AGM 7th October 2006

The District AGM will be held on the 7th October 2006 at 2:00pm at the Langley Green Community Centre, Crawley.

This meeting will be to;
agree the open events calendar for 2007.
Vote in the new District committee.
Vote on any proposals to amend the current rule book.

Your club /association secretary will have the notice.

All event forms should be with Tony Alston by 8th September.

Any proposal to amend/ add/ delete any rules should be with Brian Dalton by 9th September.
If you are unsure of the wording or exactly what you want to say, give me a call or e-mail.
Despite what you might hear or read CTT is a democracy and you have the chance to change things.

There are 72 clubs in London South 2/3rds of these must attend to allow the meeting to go ahead on time. Each club can send along two delegates. (more can turn up if you want but only two from each club can vote or put forward to the district committee).

The district Committee is made up of ordinary members. We have 5 meetings a year. If you think that you want to get involved, or want to find out how things are done, or want to try and improve things. Now is your chance!
Each year there is a desperate shortage of people. Turn up as a delegate for your club and say that you want to be nominated. We need ten ordinary members so there is no pressure to take on huge tasks.

There is plenty of parking and there will also be tea and cakes.

See you there.