Below is the notice of the annual Distrcit Council Meeting. Sorry it is a little late to put onto the blog. However all Club secretaries would have recieved a copy.
I will still consider any motion changes proposed up until the report and agenda is published. After that I will take AOB for general discussion after the meeting if we have time.
Please can all clubs send at least one representative. You all have up to two votes so please come along and let your voice be heard.
We also have places on the District Committee to be filled. If you have an interest in how the sport is run then this is your chance to get involved. We meet at least five times a year and newcomers will be given a gentle introduction.
If you are unsure then drop me a line
Andy Avis
Notice is hereby given of the
to be held on
Saturday 2nd October 2010 at 2.00p.m.
at St. Paul’s Methodist Church Rooms, Woodfield road,
Northgate, Crawley, West Sussex
(ample parking for both cycles and vehicles. Directions to venue will be circulated with the Agenda).
Items for the Agenda must be forwarded to the District Secretary by 10th September. If you want to change anything about the way your sport is run, then this is your opportunity. All items submitted will be discussed at the AGM and if accepted by the delegates, these are then forwarded for consideration by all Districts at the National Council Meeting on Sunday 5th December 2010. Please come along on 2rd October to elect your officials and delegates to the National Council, let them have your views and to show support to your District.
There are currently some 70 clubs, trade teams and associations affiliated through the London South District. The quorum for the AGM is one third representation.
There are great pressures on all those who use the public highways, so if you want our sport to continue please ensure you send 2 delegates to the AGM.
If you are no longer the club secretary, please pass this correspondence on immediately and notify the District Secretary (as below) the name of your new official.
Richard Blackmore
21st August 2010