This was my first experience of a CTT AGM and with the heavy snow during the week there was some doubt whether it was going to be possible to get to Leicester. Fortunately there was a thaw on Saturday so the journey was not a problem and only the 3 delegates from South East DC (snowy Kent) failed to attend.
The first news of the weekend was that National Secretary, Phil Heaton, is retiring and will be replaced by Andy Cosgrove from Teesside DC. The Annual Report and Accounts were accepted with very little discussion.
The main part of the day was taken up with discussion on the 19 motions submitted. Of these 5 were from the National Committee and 8 from London West, with their delegate Chris Hart on his feet for much of the day proposing most of them. Without London West I thought that it would have been a short meeting but I am assured that however many motions there are the discussion of them always expands to fill the day.
The longest discussion this year was on the merits of rear lights in events and whether they should be made compulsory. When London South first proposed this several years ago there was little support but we subsequently gained agreement for a recommendation to use a rear light to be put on start sheets and this year there were motions from the National Committee, South West and East districts to make the use of a rear light compulsory in events. The third of these actually had a majority in favour from those voting, but not enough for the two-thirds majority required for a rule change. A better worded motion next year might well get accepted.
The result of the voting on all the motions is shown below. The actual votes on items 15 and 24 were not announced to the meeting but both were lost heavily. The main decisions taken were :-
1. Up to 150 entries can be accepted in open events subject to the approval of the District Committee.
2. The ‘reserve rider scheme’ can be used to accept up to an additional 15 riders instead of 10.
3. In 12 and 24 hour events a circuit of at least 20 miles may be used any number of times.
4. The symbol TAN in the Handbook will mean that a tandem event is run in conjunction with the solo event.
My impression of the meeting was that the same 3 or 4 people spoke on most of the motions and have probably been doing so for many years past. There is also the problem of delegates being mandated on how to vote by their Districts, as a couple of times people spoke in favour of motions only to say that they were mandated to vote against. It could well be that on several of the motions all the discussion on the merits or otherwise of the proposed change was a waste of time because the delegates had already been instructed how to vote. Perhaps an indication of how the delegates have been mandated to vote should be given in advance to see how many free votes are available to be influenced by the points put forward at the meeting.
Overall it was an enjoyable experience, but despite spending a weekend in Leicester I have seen nothing of the City, only the half mile of industrial estate between the M1 and the Marriott Hotel. I understand that the previous venue in Derby was in the City centre which would have been more interesting.
Keith Wilkinson.
Item No Description For Against Result
Item 6: Increases to club subscription fees 28 37 Lost
Item 7: Date renewal must be paid by 28 36 Lost
Item 8 (a): Powers of National Committee 47 16 Carried
Item 8 (b): National Council Meetings (Tidying of resolutions) 50 19 Carried
Item 9 (a): To allow use of recumbents 18 47 Lost
Item 9 (b): Confining recumbents to Club Events Not taken
Item 9 (c): Placing of numbers for recumbents Not taken
Item 10: Competitor’s machine - rear light 29 37 Lost
Item 11: Competitor’s machine - rear light Withdrawn
Item 12: Competitor’s machine - rear light 26 20 Lost
Item 13: Limitation of entries - allow fields of 150 53 13 Carried
Item 14: Limitation of entries - Increase reserves from 10 to 15 60 6 Carried
Item 15: Duties of Event Secretaries - Outlaw "one rider, one prize" ? ? Lost
Item 16: Duties of Event Secretaries - clarify that no rider shall start before his alloted time 55 11 Carried
Wording amended to move last sentence to be the first.
Item 17: Team Time Trials - remove requirement for similar clothing, recommend instead 45 19 Carried
Item 18: Team Time Trials - remove requirement for similar clothing Not taken
Item 19: The Course - allow 20+mile circuits to be used over and over in 12 & 24 hour events 58 8 Carried
Item 20: Timekeepers - include Principle Timekeeper in rules 60 6 Carried
Item 21: Championship conditions - extend entry criteria 59 7 Carried
Item 22: Event dates - notes on who can enter which events 4 62 Lost
Item 23: Event dates - use symbol TAN for Tandem events run with a solo event, cease seperate listing 38 28 Carried
Item 24: Postage costs for Handbooks ? ? Lost
Annual Report here - with full details of motions
Also link to CTT Rules and Regulations for original wordings of rules.